Saturday, March 13, 2010

Hooly Hill

Friday, I was delighted to see that the earlier week forecast was incorrect and the day was warmish and dry. I wasn't really planning on it, so I got done what I needed to and headed out for a nice long ride. I didn't get on the road until 1pm.

I needed some hill work yet this week so I went northwest on my ss cx bike towards Holy Hill. According to my high-priced cycling coach, which is really a low-priced used book, at this stage of the season I should be riding up to 8% grade while in the saddle. Who am I to argue with my coach-book-thingy? Every incline I met over my 80 mile ride I stayed in the saddle and I am pretty sure some where just a tad over 8%. Yet, even though my book-coach-interwebs training thinks I am using gears, I was able to do the workout.

Good news, my snow riding has payed off with a good power base this year. Bad news, between the longest bumpiest country road ride on my cx saddle I have ever done and the energy spent yesterday, I am left with little motivation today to hop on my rollers. So I am writing this instead.

The temperature and weather were weird yesterday. At the lake it was foggy and 40, when I got about 15 miles north and 5 miles west it got into the 50's and sunny, but that isn't the weird part. As I approached the Holy Hill area the temps dropped, big time, and there was still a lot of snow on the ground. It was like I was climbing into the mountains. Which isn't true. It's called Holy Hill, not Holy Mountain. I think that is someplace else.

The way back was filled with drizzle and fog so thick the trees were dripping. All in all a good interesting ride.

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