Monday, September 13, 2010

A Mail Mystery

I received this letter in the mail the other day. It was in this condition inside another envelope from the postal service that said something along the lines of 'we care, so we even send you damaged mail'.
A mail mystery
Now, I know that mistakes happen and I am not complaining about the condition of the letter per se, however could a damaged letter be more mysterious than this?
A mail mystery

Look at what is visible on the letter, something is a secret and I am suppose to know what it is.
A mail mystery
Furthermore, it looks as though I am to respond somehow. But to whom, to where? I do not know! This was too odd not to share.
A mail mystery
If anyone reading this received a similar, yet in tact letter, please let me know the scoop.


  1. hahah i have had one of these before... its very classy of the usps....

  2. Yeah, I think I would be better off never knowing the letter existed. Now, the circled "Need" at the bottom of the letter has me up at night.
