Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Uh, I think it is safe to say winter is here

The Cook-off was a blast, if you missed it, you need to make the next one. Along those lines, I should be finalizing the details with the Cheese Bar on Thursday for an event. At the Cheese Bar you can get various flights of Wisconsin cheese (my favorite thus far is a 12 year old cheddar) and they'll give you tips on which beer or wine to pair up with the flight. They also have the most extensive selection of Wisconsin beers available in one place that I have ever seen. Mark it down, Saturday, January 15th. For those so inclined, perhaps we could mix in a ride around the city after? More details to follow soon!

Training is back in full swing, well as much as it can be without spending much time on the bike. I'm in the gym 3 times a week and on the trainer once a week. I'm told in a few weeks there will be enough artificial snow to start cross country skiing if we don't get the natural type. I'm really looking forward to learning how to ski, and for some reason, falling down a lot. Is that second part weird?

Also, Reconcile just launched a micro-site called sorryIwasajerk.com. It is not the church website, but it does have a link to the church website. The point of the micro-site is to try and understand people better, from all walks of life, so that conversations can begin or be furthered. So if you would, take the time to check the site out and post something. It is completely anonymous. Just the few that are up already give an interesting look below the surface. It would be so cool to get people with all types of beliefs and backgrounds posting things! Also, go back after you have visited and posted once because A: you can post again; B: you can read all the new posts since last time you were there. There is a link at the bottom of my links to the right

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